Though I have trouble believing anyone does not know me at this point, I suppose I should begin by introducing myself. My name is Lily Clare Croft, adorable and mischievous daughter of Brian and Erica. Everywhere I go, people comment on my beautiful eyes and hair and, while my Mommy is just waiting for me to say, “I know! I’m so beautiful!” I currently just smile and wave hi to them.
I turned 22 months old on December 4, 2010. Can you believe how big I am getting? I heard Mommy saying something about me being two months away from being 2 years old—I thought I heard her whisper something about the world “terrible,” but surely she meant to say “terrific,” because I am getting terrifically independent by the day. I spend my days running around the house, taking all the pots and pans out of the cupboards, begging snacks (my Mommy seems to think I can only eat in my high-chair), reading books, and telling Mommy and Daddy interesting stories. What can I say? I guess I just like to stay fact, Mommy says that because I am so busy, I have “earned” my nap each day. Lucky for her, I like to sleep, otherwise I’d stay up all day playing.
Speaking of Daddy and Mommy, I guess I should tell you all a little bit about them. Daddy spends his days teaching other kids (though they aren’t nearly as cute as me) at Western Nebraska Community College and doing lots of grading—which makes him a little grumbly. I try to help him grade, but he says that my writing isn’t clear enough—which is funny, because his looks like chicken scratch. Daddy still takes time to read to me though, but only if I curl up next to him and Fufu, my best friend. Daddy sure loves lots of old stuff, but he always says that I’m the neatest new thing around. Mommy spends her days playing with me and working on that weird computer thing, though she says she’s doing homework. I heard her telling Daddy that she is tired of school, so I think she is going to take a break. I think that is a wonderful idea because now she can spend every minute of the day playing with me! She has been working on a second degree in English, so she can go and teach kids like Daddy does.

Merry Christmas,
Oh—and Mommy and Daddy, too.