Monday, November 22, 2010

Sickness and Snow

Winter (well, the cold weather, anyway) has officially arrived and, with it, so have germs and sickness! Lily spent five days with a fever--and though we don't really know what exactly she had, we are glad to report that she is *finally* starting to feel better.

She spent about a week or so doing  a lot of laying around and sleeping (not that I'll necessarily complain about that), but it is always hard to see your little one not feeling well. Fufu and her thumb got quite a workout...

Her attempt at a way was that thumb coming out.

Taking a rest

After being cooped up for so long, I decided that, since she was feeling a bit better, we'd go and play in the snow this morning. Lily calls it "Noes" and she thinks that it is really interesting--to eat. She really doesn't understand why I keep putting mittens on her hands (after all, she has to use them), and repeatedly takes them off, then tells me her hands are cold. Oh well...she'll get it eventually!

She decided to just eat the mitten


I liked this footprints :)

She loves Mr. No-man

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat 2010

We definitely had a Happy Halloween! And, if I do say so myself, I believe we had the cutest lady bug in Nebraska!

Cheesing it up for the camera.
 Miss Lily actually got a double dose of trick-or-treating, since The Village (where Grandma Barb lives) opens up for visitors on a separate night. We also went to Spooktacular at the zoo the same evening. All in all, she did a great job. We were afraid she wouldn't keep her costume on, but there were so many exciting things to look at that it was the least of her worries.
Getting ready to go!

Trick or treat!

Enjoying the fruits of her labor

At Spooktacular

Checking out the big pumpkins
Lily definitely enjoyed her self (and wore herself out)! Now we are just going to have to teach her that every day isn't Halloween!